
Transformative technology empowering MGAs for success.

Specializing in niche coverages, MGAs excel through expertise and tailored solutions. Success relies on tech adoption, innovation, global expansion, and awareness of environmental, social, and regulatory factors. A robust platform designed for MGAs, streamlines operations, ensures compliance, enhances analytics, and facilitates online interactions, driving efficiency, competitiveness, and customer satisfaction.


That’s where OneShield comes in.

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OneShield's MGA solution provides a comprehensive suite of features and functions, including submission, clearance, rating, quoting, binding, client and entity management, renewals, commissions, and claims administration. It also covers multiple-party billing, invoicing, account reconciliation, document management, detailed reporting, and analysis. Beyond the core features, here are some key highlights:

Policy Administration

  • Support for multiple carriers and writing companies.
  • Quota-share/subscription policies.
  • Flexible package and program support.
  • Streamlined underwriting with bind or bind and issue options.
  • Manage customer data at an account and policy level.
  • Support entity management across the lifecycle.
  • Reinsurance tracking capabilities.
  • Expertise with Lloyd’s Coverholders.
  • Compatibility with multiple bordereaux files.

Billing and Accounting

  • Direct bill, list bill, combined/account billing options.
  • Invoicing for Agency/Broker-billed or multi-payor scenarios.
  • Agent, Broker, and Customer portals for streamlined payment processing.

Claims Management

  • Capture and store new loss notices (including FROI/SROI) via web portal, email, or manual entry.
  • Agency and customer portals for reporting and tracking loss statuses.
  • Third-party portal support for independent adjusters, TPAs, and carrier audits.

Client Success

“As a startup MGA, we wanted a partner with functionality in place, the ability to customize, and the capability to add new products or lines of business...and OneShield delivered.”

Tom Dulapa, President & COO, WestCongress
Client Success

“As a startup MGA, we wanted a partner with functionality in place, the ability to customize, and the capability to add new products or lines of business...and OneShield delivered.”

Tom Dulapa, President & COO, WestCongress
View Case Study

Schedule a Demo

Connect with a OneShield MGA solution specialist to discuss your technology needs, and to schedule a demo.