Mountain Province Diamonds
Drift Prospecting

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Palmer guided surficial exploration of potential diamond-bearing targets in eastern Northwest Territories.

Project Sector
Project Services
  • Surficial Geology

Project Description

Palmer was engaged by Mountain Province Diamonds to produce new surficial mapping data in the Northwest Territories in order to identify new exploration targets for diamond extraction.

The project focused on an area 300 km northeast of Yellowknife in the vast Slave Geological Province. This massive expanse of the Canadian Shield extends into Nunavut and is world-renowned for its extensive formation of diamonds.

We partnered with Aurora Geosciences to complete surficial mapping of the area, allowing a re-evaluation of decades of existing exploration data and the design of new targeted geological surveys. Our work produced numerous targets that will keep the Mountain Province exploration team busy for years to come.

Blue Lagoon Resources Gold Resource Expansion

  • Mineral Exploration

Mountain Province Diamonds Drift Prospecting

  • Mineral Exploration

Centerra Gold Surficial Gold and Copper Exploration

  • Mineral Exploration
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