City of Dawson Creek
Fluvial and Landslide Hazard Assessment

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Palmer completed a thorough inventory of fluvial and landslide hazards in a community in northeastern British Columbia.

Project Sector
Project Services
  • Fluvial Geomorphology
  • Water Resources Engineering
  • Surficial Geology
  • Hydrology & Climate

Project Description

The City of Dawson Creek has experienced several catastrophic floods over the past two decades. These floods combined with thick deposits of fine-grained glacial lake sediments and narrow, steep-walled river valleys have accelerated watercourse adjustments within the city limits increasing the risk of landslides.

Palmer completed a fluvial geomorphology assessment of all watercourses within the city of Dawson Creek to inform planning and engineering initiatives. The project included documentation of historical and recent trends in channel processes, forecasting of future erosion hazards associated with flood events and recommendations for improved control and management of erosion.

Additionally, Palmer’s geomorphologists completed assessments of historical and active landslides posing a risk to municipal sewage lagoon infrastructure and provided recommendations for property-scale erosion mitigation.

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