Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
Malton Greenway Infrastructure Protection

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Palmer undertook a naturalized channel stabilization project to protect sanitary infrastructure from erosion in southern Ontario.

Project Sector
Project Services
  • Fluvial Geomorphology
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Water Resources Engineering

Project Description

Palmer conducted geomorphic, geotechnical and water resource engineering assessments to inform the detailed design of naturalized channel stabilization for a stretch of Mimico Creek. The goal of the project was to mitigate the risk of erosion to an existing sanitary sewer pipe and a private property along the stream while maintaining natural fluvial processes and improving local ecological functions.

The final design, developed in collaboration with Perzia Geosolutions, used natural riverstone material and bioengineering techniques to stabilize the creek bed and banks, and a soil containment system to strengthen the valley wall.

Northisle Copper and Gold Environmental Assessment for North Island Project

  • Infrastructure

Casino Mining Corporation Permitting and Regulatory Support for Casino Mine Project

  • Infrastructure

Artemis Gold Mine Permitting for Blackwater Project

  • Infrastructure
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